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Last Catch.I often wonder if he knew the marriage wouldn’t last?If he did, I bet he didn’t know they’d do it again; twice as fast.Did he know I’d be his only son?Probably not, but I’m sure he had some close ones.Did he think I was too young to remember the toxic home we had?I wasn’t.Maybe he thought I’d forget the other relationships too.I didn’t, those were just as toxic and he knows that’s true.Did he have any idea how much it hurt to hear another boy call him Dad?At 49 I’m still not sure if I was sad or simply...

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Remind yourself…and when you forget and it gets hard…remind yourself again. You owe it to yourself…grow to love it and you will grow to love you.

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“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

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Across this table. I use to see my baby boy across this table. Someone I had to tuck under my wing to protect from this crazy world. One who I would hold up in the shower and sing to. And one who would end my night falling asleep on my chest with his little baby snores. Now, when I look across this table I see a beautiful strong young boy. One who has personality, opinions, confidence and tough questions for me. Our conversations are deep now and no longer as sheltered as they once were. Now, you ask me directly…”Dad,...

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Hustle & Fellowship. All my life I’ve been known as a hustler. I’ve always wore multiple hats at every stage of my life, it has always been like that. Because of that, I have a small circle of friends who do the same and are self employed. I often (as I’ve shared) venture off and join them to not only help, but learn. I’m always learning and I’ll be that way till GOD brings me home. But here’s the thing… When you’re my age, getting together with your friends becomes difficult for various reasons. Marriage, Kids, Job, Life in general…...

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