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ray’s blogs -

Peace in your life is attainable. - But oddly enough, often times peace is only attainable through aggressive means. - Standing up, not backing down, fighting for your values and losing things/people along the way. - That may go over your head…but listen closely… - A peaceful man isn’t always a safe man. - Sometimes a peaceful man is a dangerous man, one capable of violence in the name of peace for himself and his family. - That isn’t always understood by most folks. - But rest assured, it should be respected. - Have a peaceful day, God Bless.

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ray’s blogs -

90 Seconds of InspirationThis may be a little too deep for some of you guys but listen to me and listen close...Hold on tight ok...listenRight now, I'm praying for myself because I'm a man of faith, you guys know 4 years ago I gave myself to GOD and I been holding on tight especially during these last couple of years going into this 3rd year of what we're going through... And if you are a man of faith and you are trying hard to hold onto the values the core that you were raised on and the beliefs that you...

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ray’s blogs -

We are not born brave, we’re born naive. - We are not born smart, we’re born curious. - We are not born mentally or physically strong, but born more so with the potential. - And everyday challenges all three. - Make sure you get up, pray, strap your boots and say, “I’m in…let’s go…”

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