2 years to build a stronger me...

I promised I’d never return until they dropped the mask mandate.
Cancelled my membership and walked away for two years.
Tonight (3/19) that all changed…man did it feel strange walking back in there tonight.
I missed it. I missed the sauna so much…did 25 minutes in the sauna alone and I needed every minute of it.
The last time I was here, I was damn near homeless and had no shower so I needed the gym. When they took it from me, I went into survival mode.
Gave it all to GOD, learned about 75HARD and taught myself to be mentally & physically strong also, that I could get through anything regardless of my circumstances.
Quit the crying, quit the “my life is hard sh#t” and do the F’n work.
In that time, my circle shrank…my tolerance for what I will allow around me shrank and I became someone who didn’t need much to make it in this world.
I use to break down in that shower at the gym so hard guys, you just don’t know…and tonight…well….
I stood up in the sauna alone, hands out and praised Jesus for turning my life around and getting me this far. I don’t care who saw me.
I’m not where I want to be, but I’m definitely not where I use to be and that’s a blessing.
I hope this somehow blessed and encouraged some of you to stay on your journey (whatever that may be) and always put God First and he will guide you through...I believe that 100%.
Anyway, as always...I love you guys and have blessed day, God Bless.