Season3 RSS
Ep. #54 - "Shut It or Show It" - LTAI Series
Yea I know...he's only doing it for clout, to show off or get attention. Yet everyday people share the most toxic shit to get likes, views and comments all in the name of "going viral". BUT! They have all sorts of things to say when you share yourself or someone else doing a good deed. Listen...and listen close. I am going to give it to you straight here, this is where you decide; should I shut it or show it? You'll know my stance right off top! Like always, thanks for tuning in...please subscribe, follow, comment, review and share if...
Ep. #53 - "Penitentia"
"We begin life as a raindrop on the mountainside, then follow a winding path along the river of life, until we reach the sea, the ocean of consciousness, our home." - Peter Shepherd My Grandfather (My Hero) is officially on hospice. This episode I reflect on his life and the park where it all started for he and I that has now blossomed to the park I now share with my children. The memories; happy, sad and then some. My life is so deeply rooted into this park and the creek that runs through it. I share that with you...
Ep. #52 - "Move Accordingly" - LTAI Series
We change, people change...but figuring out who we are and being ok with that is powerful. Sometimes we are the ones who change and grow...then we lose people. Other times, we are the ones walking away from someone we loved, supported or stood by who isn't the same person anymore. It's ok, it happens...but let's talk about it! Like always, thanks for tuning in...please subscribe, follow, comment, review and share if you appreciate the episode! Web: IG: @itsraymolina @theperfectmesspod TKTK: @itsraymolina YT: The Perfect Mess Podcast Donate via Cashapp: (Click Here)
Ep. #51 - "Beyond Blessed"
“The unthankful heart… discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!” – Henry Ward Beecher It's been a minute, holidays and life you know the drill. But, let's catch up. I cover quite a few things...back on 75hard, more books I've finished including one controversial one I will not be recommending (that's a first)....along with updates on my kids and I during this holiday vacation. We've also lost a few people I mention's moving fast, trying to slow...