Season 3 RSS

Season 3 -

Peace is attainable, but not how you may think it is…follow me on this.

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Season 3 -

This morning I heard one of the most heartbreaking stories of a father who took his own life because of mounting debt and feeling like a failure to his children after a divorce. I have been meaning to tell you the story about me and my situation with financials… And today feels like the right day to do so. I hope you can step away and lend me an ear. Also, if it helps you or you think someone needs to hear it please, share it. Thanks for listening.

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Season 3 -

There are a lot of things a man should be… Let’s talk about it, this is another episode of an audio blog that you can share in text format on my website or this episode here. Thanks!

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Season 3 -

If you’re a small business owner, a young entrepreneur I’m sure you got a lot of friends that say they love and support you but I’ll also bet they don’t put their money where their mouth is… Let’s talk about it.

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Season 3 -

I used to be upset when people told me I changed. It was a trigger for me. But as I’ve gotten older, I realize change can be a great thing. I hope this blesses some of you.

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