Ep. #33 - Impeccable (on the go)
I was recently asked for book recommendations from a friend of mine and after talking a bit, I felt like "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz would be the best fit. While working out today, I started thinking about this book and one of the Agreements. That Agreement was "Be Impeccable with your Word". I thought back to being an 8-9 year old kid when twice that I can remember someone let me down and didn't keep their promise or commitment to me and how that affected me. Obviously more than I thought, after all I am pushing 47 this year and nearly 40 years later here I am podcasting about it. Anyway, I discuss this and how it is imperative that we do our best to keep our word and if we cannot to have a decent reason why we cannot. Communicating that is important. It's a brief "On The Go" episode so I hope you enjoy. Not in the studio on this one! Thanks for listening and please continue to share, like, review, comment & subscribe!
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