Your glass house...
90 Seconds of Inspiration
Let's try something...(knocking on glass)
That's glass, you live in one of those?
You live in a glass house?
If you're saying no, you're a damn lie...hear me out...
There's been a lot of stuff going on with cancel culture over the last couple of weeks right?
Everybody tryna cancel somebody because they don't like what somebody said 10, 11, 15, 20, 25 years ago...
They don't wanna give people the opportunity to apologize for the person that they used to be.
They wanna hold them accountable for something that they did when they were dumb and ignorant.
If you find yourself doing that, you better take a hard look at your own life because; you, me and everybody you know lives in a glass house.
And if someone really wanted to go after you, they could.
And they could dig up something that you're not gonna be proud of.
So if you're sitting back and you're enjoying all the stuff going on...
Remember, there's someone sitting back waiting for you to do something that they don't agree with and they're gonna try and bury you.
We all live in a glass house; don't think yours is stronger than mine.
Think hard about that as you start your day...
I love you guys, have a blessed day.