The Hard Road…
The Hard Road..
I hiked Mission Peak for the first time this year and when we reached the top, someone asked which way we came from…
When I told them, they said, “wow you took the hard route…”
I didn’t know any better, but then again I was proud because we powered through
For alot of us (myself included) our path in life has been hard
Nothing seems to have come easy or without a challenge
And we almost always forget to be proud of how far we made it despite all of that
See, I was proud knowing we blindly took the more difficult route on that hike
Why? Because I learned that I was capable of more than I maybe would’ve given myself credit for had I known there was another route
There are variables we have control of in our lives and there are variables life throws at us we have zero control over…
Those uncontrollable variables can set us up for a difficult life journey
I’m no stranger to that and maybe you aren’t either…
Maybe you’ve wanted to quit many times like I have
Maybe you’ve stopped and looked back at your path and said, why me?
I’ve done that too…
But listen close…
When you’ve stopped, looked back, before you get discouraged…
Look at how far you’ve come, look at the height you’ve risen to despite having a difficult path…
This photo of me at Mission Peak was at a point I needed a break because my legs were giving out
But look behind me…I’m miles into this hike and I am miles above the city which is where I started
It’s ok to want the easy path or wish you had it…
But let’s be honest, when you get to your destination it’s so much sweeter knowing you’ve endured what most would’ve quit for…
In the words of David Goggins…”Embrace the Suck and Stay Hard”
I love y’all, God Bless.
#raymolina #theoerfectmesspod #podcast