Sometimes the answer is...Just Go...just do it, figure it out later...
90 Seconds of Inspiration
You know, sometimes you just gotta say..."I don't have all the answers"
"I don't know how things are gonna work out..."
"I don't know...but I'm gonna do this anyway...I'm gonna move fwd..."
"I'm gonna try this, I'm gonna go here, I'm gonna go do this thing that I have no idea how it's gonna work out..."
Sometimes you have to get to that point in your life...
Where everything that you've been doing just, is mundane, it's is not who you want to be anymore...
I sat back for so many years and I didn't do things because I've never done them before...
or because I wasn't sure how it would work out for me...because I wanted to know that I was gonna be okay if I jumped out on a limb...
I'm at a point in my life now where I just try new things man...
I go places by myself that I never thought I'd go...(you know what I mean?)
I do things that I never thought I would do...
Because I wanna change my life, because I wanna find out who I could really be; what's my potential...
Sometimes we gotta do that man...
I love you guys, God Bless