Finding Peace...

ray’s blogs -

Finding Peace...

I used to paint for the wrong reasons years ago…28 years ago to be exact. But something strange happened recently…
I’ve found peace in painting and restoring furniture.
It’s almost akin to the release I get when I go to the gym…
I know that’s an odd comparison, but follow me.
When I paint, and bring a new piece back to life I feel accomplished.
When I see the smile on someone’s face who purchases it from me and loves the work it’s rewarding.
I’ve had some bad days, came home picked up a brush and almost instantly I feel better.
I’m thankful for yet another positive outlet for myself.
And yet another to pass onto my children.
Have a great day folks…❤️💪🏼🦁👑 #raymolina#theperfectmesspod #podcast #painting #outlet #molinaboys