
ray’s blogs -


You ever been an entrepreneur who’s “thing” has slowed down?
Contemplated quitting didn’t you?
Maybe skipped a few meals waiting for another door to open huh?
I used to do that too…I was stupid.
See, I took a slow down as a sign I failed at what I was doing…
Now, when a slow down hits…I knock on doors…
To who you might ask?
To any of my fellow entrepreneur friends who may need an extra hand until mine picks back up
I help them, they help me keep the lights on, pay the bills and feed the kids
Too many of us are prideful
Often say we’ll do whatever it takes to keep the money coming in…
Then get picky with what our options -
I’m here to tell you, you’re gonna LOSE.
That attitude will lead you to a certain demise
You see me here, vacuuming an office space
And if you look close, I’ve even got my brothers business shirt on “Stay Dry, Go Green”…
He took a chance on himself years ago and has been successful..
We understand each other but more importantly look out for each other
What you don’t see is the owner of the business we’re at who had to lay off 40% of his company due to a “Slow Down”
I caught that loud and clear yesterday and that was God telling me, “nobody is immune to a slow down”…
So if I can give you a little push today…don’t stop knockin’ on doors, someone will answer eventually…
Love Y’all, God Bless.
#raymolina #theperfectmesspod #podcast #doors