90 Seconds of Inspiration - Wishbone vs. Backbone

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90 Seconds of Inspiration - Wishbone vs. Backbone

90 Seconds of Inspiration

You guys know I read a lot, but sometimes when I'm doing my morning workout I listen to audiobooks...

The audiobook I been listening to recently is "The 5AM Club" by Robin Sharma, and uh...

There is this quote that I just heard that I wanted to share with you guys cause I felt like it was super super powerful...

And I know it was something that I had to deal with and I still deal with right now...and I shouldn't say deal with; 'struggle with'...

Here's the quote, "your dreams, the things that you want to accomplish all the stuff you wish for when you wake up in the morning; that's your Wishbone...your Backbone is the work that you're putting in to get to those things, your Backbone needs to be stronger in order to get your Wishbone."

Man, that made me look at my life, made me look at a lot of things that I am wishful and hopeful for these days and it made me re-evaluate...

Is my Backbone, is the work I am doing strong enough to get it?

(think about that as you start you day...)

I love you guys God Bless

Please share this message with someone who needs to hear it...