Ep. #87 - "Calm Under Pressure"

Season 3 -

Ep. #87 - "Calm Under Pressure"

"True character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure - the greater the pressure, the deeper the revelation, the truer the choice to the character's essential nature". - Robert McKeet

In this episode I catch you up on a few things going on in my life w/regards to learning to repair my own car, my sons learning new hustles, old friends who've come home better than ever on down to new books and coffee with a loved one. In my case, my Pastor.

The meat of the message on this one is about handling a recent situation at a baseball field that got ugly fast and how my checkered past actually came in handy...I hope you enjoy this one and if you do; please share it!

Thanks for listening... www.raymolina.com - @itsraymolina
